South Girard School

Remembering the past, celebrating the future.

SGS is a Purple Star School

Purple Start School

Student Check Out

  • You must come in the front office to check-out a student. The check-out person must be on the student check-out list. To update/add another contact, please use the "student excuse submission" email address below and include the student's name, updated info, added person's name, relation to student, and contact number.

    Students check in to school on their own by coming to the front office and receiving a pass to class. All excuses are to be sent to the attendance email below.

    Student Excuse Submission Email:

    Thank you for your attention and continued support,
    SGS Support Team

    Comments (-1)

Summer Reading

  • Honors English 8th Grade

    The Outsiders by Hinton

    Advanced English 8th Grade (CFA and SGS AA)

    Of Mice and Men by Steinbeck

Facebook Page

  • Please direct all media inquiries here.